Guilderland Town Court
The Guilderland Town Court is the second largest Town Court in the Albany / Capital Region, second only to Colonie Town Court. The Guilderland Town Court also handles a substantial number of DWI cases and petit larceny cases. Most of the petit larceny charges stem from Crossgates Mall.
Location & Hours
The Guilderland Town Court is located at 5209 Western Turnpike (Rte. 20) in the Town of Guilderland. It is just passed the Hannaford Supermarket at the corner of Rte 20 and Rte 146. The telephone number for the court is (518) 356-1980 x 1027. The court house is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and the Court schedule is as follows:
Traffic Court is held every Monday at 5:30 p.m; there is also daytime traffic court on the first and third Wednesday of each month and is held at 9:00 a.m.
Criminal Court is held every Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
Why Should You Hire An Attorney if you have to go to the Guilderland Town Court?
Since the court is extremely busy, if you do not have an attorney that can negotiate your case in advance, you will be sitting in court for a very long time. In fact, the court is so busy and filled to capacity, that they have installed closed circuit television sets in a secondary room to handle the overflow.
There are some quirks with every court that you should be aware of. Generally speaking, Guilderland Town Court is fond of requiring community service as part of most pleas. You can expect to perform community service if your case is reduced to an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal. The same is true for the resolution of other offenses that result in violations.
Of course, the Albany County District Attorney’s office is still implementing its “no plea bargaining” rules on DWIs making DWI charges in any Town Court in Albany County especially difficult to deal with, unless you have an experienced Albany DWI lawyer representing you.
Judges at Guilderland Town Court
There are three judges in Guilderland Town Court and they are all very cordial and fair. They are Hon. John Bailey, Hon. Denise Randall and Hon. Richard Sherwood.
Remember – The Guilderland Town Court is an extremely busy court and Albany criminal attorney Matthew Hug can provide excellent representation to any case you have there. Contact him today for a FREE case review!